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24. March 2023

Top-company-award 2023

Yeeeaaaah! Once again, we are among the 5 percent of the best employers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We are very happy about this and have a huge smile on our faces. But act'o-soft would not be where it is today without the team. That is why we would like to say a special thank you to all act'o-soft employees! You are great!

With 4.6 out of a total of 5 possible stars, we are also above the average IT industry score of 3.9 points this year. That's a great result and makes us really proud!

And yet we know that even with us, not everything always runs smoothly. We also make mistakes - of course! But it is important to deal with them: to accept criticism, to reflect on ourselves in order to do better in the future and to learn from it. In our view, this is one of the most important qualities of an employer for long-term success. So we continue to work diligently - on ourselves, on our products, the internal processes, the framework conditions and benefits that we provide as an employer. We want to continue to develop and grow. We are always looking for committed and motivated people who want to make a difference together with us.

Would you like to join our team? Then take a look at our current job advertisements or send us your unsolicited application. We look forward to hearing from you!

By the way: What our employees particularly appreciate about act'o-soft, how applicants rate the application process and what former act'o-soft employees have to say. You can read all about it here:
