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Experience practice

Are you interested in an internship at act'o-soft? You are welcome to get to know us and our training professions as part of a school internship or a voluntary internship during the vacation period.



Company internship

You would like to have a general overview of different apprenticeship professions and see how an IT company works? Then the company internship is the right choice for you, because you will get an insight into marketing, sales, key account, software development, system integration and administration, among other things.

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Individual internship

Would you like to get a taste of one or more IT professions during the vacations or after graduation? Or do you want to completely reorient yourself professionally? That is also possible with us. With an individual internship, you have the chance to discover the right career for you.

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Career exploration

You only want to get to know one professional field? Then we can offer you this for the areas of Customer Success (Marketing, Sales and Key Account), Software Development and Service Operation (System Integration and Support).

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Girls in IT professions? Absolutely! Take a look at how a software company works and learn about exciting career fields, training and study opportunities on this day. In addition to a nice team, you can expect various activities to participate in and try out, information about our product world and lots of fun!

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Possible career fields:

  • Customer Management
  • System integration and support
  • Software development


General information about the apprenticeships at act'o-soft:

Duration of dual training: 3 years, shortening to 2 years is possible with special aptitude.
Learning locations: act'o-soft and vocational school (dual training)
You will receive your own laptop with the latest Microsoft suite and benefit from numerous other advantages at act'o-soft.
After successfully completing your training, you have the opportunity to be taken on by act'o-soft as a permanent employee.

IT Specialist Application Development (m/f/d)

You develop and implement customer-specific software applications - with us in agile projects according to Scrum. In the process, you will work with our various product teams.

During your training you will learn

  • the architecture of software and system landscapes.
  • how to implement the design and usability of user interfaces.
  • work with different programming languages (e.g. C#, VB.NET, JavaScript) and modern frameworks (e.g. .NET Framework, .NET Core, ASP.NET, Xamarin, React).
  • The independent development of internal tools for process automation.
  • the execution of software tests and how to
  • extend existing parts of our software.
  • developing your own modules and programs for our customers, advising them and providing training.
  • and much more.
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IT Specialist System Integration (m/f/d)

You learn everything you need to know about hardware and operating systems. From the cash register to clients to extensive server environments (e.g. AD, DNS, DHCP) and their networking.

During your training you will learn

  • to install complex information and communication systems at act'o-soft and our customers, to put them into operation, to maintain them systematically, to diagnose and correct errors.
  • the handling of numerous Microsoft systems (e.g. AAD, Exchange, WDS) with regard to bare metal servers as well as virtual machines.
  • administering server systems with Powershell and creating scripts to automate processes. know database systems with SQL.
  • advise our customers on the selection and deployment of equipment and train them on the solution you have designed and deployed.
  • and much more.
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IT system management clerk (m/f/d)

You will gain commercial expertise and learn a lot about the hardware and software used in our customers' stores.

During your training you will get to know

  • all the departments in our company, which will help you to understand extensive processes.
  • how fashion retailers with different store sizes design their IT processes.
  • how to recognize optimization potential.
  • As a consultant and expert in retail IT, you will enable our customers to make the right decisions, implement trends and future-proof brand concepts with suitable IT solutions.
  • selling our products and services. managing extensive projects.
  • and much more.
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Job offers
Ausbildung_bei actosoft

Dual study

General information about apprenticeships at act'o-soft:

This course of study includes a combination of business administration and computer science. You learn to optimize business processes and to develop individual software solutions for everyday practical problems. act'o-soft pays the complete tuition fees and also pays you a salary.

Duration of the dual study program: 6 semesters
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Learning locations: act'o-soft and the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld (FHDW). You will alternate between the learning locations every 3 months.
You will receive your own laptop with the latest Microsoft suite and benefit from numerous other advantages at act'o-soft.

You have the opportunity to specialize in one of the following areas of study:

  • Business Process Management
  • Cyber Security
  • Data Science
  • IT Consulting
  • Software Engineering
  • Mobile Computing

After successfully completing your dual studies, you will have the opportunity to be taken on by act'o-soft as a permanent employee and/or to complete a dual Master's degree program.

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Angelika - act’o-soft
Do you feel addressed?
Then I look forward to your application!

Angelika Langer
Head of People & Culture