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Saving paper: Belgian region of Wallonia severely restricts the creation of cash receipts

In the Walloon region of Belgium cash register receipts may no longer be printed on paper by default, but only at the request of the customer. 

The suppression of automatic receipt printing in retail is part of the measures taken under the decree of March 9, 2023, relating to waste, circular economy of materials and public cleanliness, which have already come into force since August 10, 2023. 

The aim is to reduce waste to the minimum in the Walloon Region and to achieve a more responsible use of resssources among consumers. 

Companies from the Hotel, Restaurants and cafe sector and car washes are exempt from the receipt suppression obligation. Here, the obligation to issue receipts on paper remains in place. 

Customers of our POS solution pos4brand can easily meet this requirement for branches in the in Belgium by means of configuration. 

(Source: Art. 29 - Decree on waste, recycling of materials and public cleanliness) 


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