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19. January 2023

Cooperation with comprehensive school

New year, new partnerships! Nurturing existing networks is one thing. Winning new partners is another. We are delighted about the cooperation we have entered into with the comprehensive school in Halle (Westphalia). Alongside Baxter International Inc. and Koyo Bearings Germany GmbH, this makes us the third cooperation partner of the comprehensive school from the MINT (Mathematics, Informatics, Natural Sciences, Technology) sector, which now covers the subject of informatics/IT.

We will maintain a close exchange and intensive cooperation with the school in the future. For example, there will be one or two fixed dates every school year for the computer science courses of the seventh and ninth grades, when the students can visit us in our act'o-ry and take a look behind the doors of a software company. An exciting programme is still being worked out together with the school.
We are looking forward to welcoming as many interested and enthusiastic young people as possible and hope to inspire them for IT and our work at act'o-soft.

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